Saturday, December 5, 2009

Uninvited House Guest Stays For Dinner

Oh horror, a scurrying and jumping when the light comes on. Footsteps round the corner, and it flees. A drink in the sink, a lost peanut under the table. Mmmm, a bag of flour, found later with a small cave eaten away, and grateful droppings left behind.

I dutifully fill the small peanut butter feeders, lapped up happily by tiny tongues, some lucky, others not so, pushing in greedily when the steel bar of death snaps.

This video stars one of the lucky.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall into Spring

The leaves are falling, things are dying all about us-- going dormant, lying under ground, waiting for the next cycle to begin. Naturally, I'm thinking about planting bulbs. I'm happy to know that when all is frostbitten, and the chill winds blow the last dead shreds of vegetation about above the ground, below there are embryonic spring flowers building a root system, preparing for the day when it's time to push the green stalk with its papery bud, its fat pod enclosing the flower that proves to us once again that nature's wheel really does spin incessantly, mindless of our worries.

Click here or on image above to read the 1956 comic book distributed by the Associated Bulb Growers of Holland, "Bulb Magic."